
Plugin structure

All plugins must be located in the plugins folder and must have a php file and class named as the plugin name.

Structure of a basic plugin:

└── plugins
    └── MyPlugin
        └── MyPlugin.php

Code of a basic plugin:

namespace Plugin\MyPlugin;

use Parvula\Plugin;

class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
	// ...

The plugin class

Each plugin should inherit the Plugin class (Parvula\Plugin).

The Plugin class has some useful method to help you to develop a new plugin easily.

Function Description
getPath() Get the current plugin path (useful for the backend/php part)
getUri() Get the current plugin URI (useful for the client/view part)
appendToHeader($html, $add) Append string to the header element (<head>)
appendToBody($html, $add) Append string to the header element (<body>)

The plugin callbacks

Each plugin also have a “cycle of live”. Each time, those callbacks functions will be called.

Callback function Description
onBootstrap(Parvula $app) The first function to be called, useful to get services in $app.
onLoad() On load
onRouter(Router $router) To handle the router. Useful to add or override routes
onDispatch(string $method, string $uri)  
onUri(string $uri) ex: /pictures/islands?test //TODO check
onSlug(string $slug) ex: pictures/islands
onPage(Page $page) When the page mapped to the slug is loaded
onPreRender(string $layout) Before the layout is rendered
onPostRender(string $output) After the layout is rendered
on404(Page $page) When the page is not found
onEnd() The last callback called

Hello world example

If we want to add a route (/hello):

namespace Plugin\MyPlugin;

use Parvula\Plugin;

class MyPlugin extends Plugin
	 * Add a new route
	 * It will handle '/hello' route and print "Hello world !"
	function onRouter(&$router) {
		$router->get('/hello', function () {
			return 'Hello world !';

If we want to change the content of the page:

namespace Plugin\MyPlugin2;

use Parvula\Plugin;

class MyPlugin2 extends Plugin {
	function onPage(&$page) {
		$page->content = 'Hello world !';