

Parvula themes are completely PHP based, you don’t need to learn a new syntax. It uses Plates to render themes.

Plates is a native PHP template system that’s fast, easy to use and easy to extend. It’s inspired by the excellent Twig template engine and strives to bring modern template language functionality to native PHP templates.


Themes are located in the themes folder. Each theme is in a separate folder and can have multiple layouts.

The minimum structure is :

themes                       // Parvula themes
└── myTheme                  // Theme folder
    ├── _layouts             // Theme's layouts
    │   ├── default.html     // Default layout
    └── theme.yaml           // Theme configuration

A theme must have, at least, one default layout named default.html. Layouts must be located in _layouts (for basic themes, layouts can be located at the root folder).

Each theme must also have a configuration file, theme.yaml.

A more standard example can be :

└── superTheme
    ├── _includes
    │   ├── footer.html
    │   ├── head.html
    │   └── header.html
    ├── _layouts
    │   ├── _base.html
    │   ├── default.html
    │   ├── home.html
    │   ├── page.html
    ├── style
    │   └── main.css
    └── theme.yaml

Name convention

  • Files: As for pages, files beginning with a leading _ will not be listed as a layout ($theme->getLayouts()).
  • Folders: Folders beginning with a leading _ will be registered as a Plates folder and then can be accessed easily. Check the layout documentation for more information.

Configuration (theme.yaml)

Theme configuration sets some theme parameters. Configuration file is in the YAML format.

name: Enlightenment          # Theme name
description: My super theme  # Theme description (optional)
author: Erasmus Darwin       # Author (optional)
homepage: # Homepage url (optional)