
This page is incomplete

Each page is divided into two.

A page must have front matter, while content is optional.

Front matter (metadata)

Front matter is an easy way to add meta information to your page. By default, Parvula use the YAML format for the front matter (it is possible to choose your own parser; check how to change your parsers).

The front matter is placed on the top of each page and delimited from the content by ---.


title: My page

# Content

Required fields

Field Description
title title is a required field for each page. If none, title is converted from the file name
slug slug is a required field for each page. If none, slug is converted from the file name (a-z0-9-_+/)

If no title, title value will be lisp-case converted file name. why-i-use-parvula will become Why I Use Parvula.

Predefined fields

Field Default value Description
layout home The layout file to use. In the _layouts folder of themes. home layout is required in each theme
date creation time Date of the creation in timestamp
hidden false If the page is hidden. Can still be seen from the url but will not appear in the menu
secret false If the page is secret. The page will not be accessible (either by url or the menu)

File name

Both hidden and secret fields can be avoided if you correctly name your files.

  • If a file or folder begins with _, the field hidden will be set at true.
  • If a file or folder begins with ., the field secret will be set as true.

  • date -> date of the file // TODO
  • description -

User fields

Any type of field can be added to the metadata and then be used by the theme/layout via php.

For example, if you add a field author: Alan Turing you can access this field via :

<li>Author: <?= $page->author ?></li>

Auto generated fields

  • slug the slug matches the file path (/dir/file will match /dir/ MUST BE UNIQUE


The page’s content comes just after the front matter. The content can be empty if required.

By default, Parvula supports markdown and html content but it can be customized easily (check parser).

title: My super page

# My title

This is my **content**


Parvula allows you to use section in content to divide your content.

title: My super page

# Main content

# I am the panel content

And can be accessed from the theme with

<div class="panel">
    <?= $page->getSection('panel') ?>

(or directly from <?= $page->sections->{'panel'} ?>)



You can access page children.

// Will return an array of pages


You can access page parent.

// Will return a parent Page


Each page has a date. The default value is the page creation in timestamp.

PHP has the DateTime object and can understand those formats : …

To print the date, simply use DateTime like that:

<?= (new DateTime($page->date))->format(DateTime::RFC822); ?>

See the PHP doc know the predefined formats

// Will return an array of pages

slug The token to appear in the tail of the URL, or url The full path to the content from the web root. If neither slug or url is present, the filename will be used.


index then date